
Hello welcome back on my blog 🙂 I will talk about things that I miss the most 😦 There are things that I miss a lot and there are things that I can live without. Living abroad on your own may be very difficult especially if you like to spend time with your family. Even if you meet a lot of new people you will never be as close with them as with  your family member.

The first thing that I miss is definitely talking and drinking tea/coffee with my mum. We always sit and talk together and drink a hot drink. We are very busy and we don’t have a lot of free time so it is very important for me to spend as much time as I can with my mum. We talk on the phone almost everyday but you know… it’s not the same.

I miss my cats a lot! My cats are very important to me. They are like my little children especially Negra. She helped me many times when I didn’t feel well. She is my little best friend 🙂 I miss her a lot. She always makes my feel better.

I wish I could understand everyone. It’s very hard to understand most people here. Many people have different accents. It’s very hard especially when people speak fast.

I miss Polish TV haha 😛 Yes, I miss Polish television 😀 I don’t really watch TV but I still miss it. Sometimes there are very interesting programs  and I like to watch them. Here I don’t even have Spanish TV haha.

I miss my comfortable bed and my bedroom. The bed that I have here is very uncomfortable. My back is very sore. It was very hard to get used to it and I did not sleep well for the first few days. I still have problems with falling asleep. I miss my cozy bedroom. I always light up candles and the whole room smells very nice. The room that I have is very big. I think it’s too big for me and I don’t like it because it’s very dark.

I miss having a normal view from my window. Sometimes when I wake up I would love to look out the window and see something different than a wall and someone else’s windows. It is very annoying because I never know what kind of weather is outside.

I also miss some kinds of food. I don’t really like Spanish food. It has no taste for me or maybe I tried in the wrong place.

That’s all for today hope you liked my post 🙂 Go check out my Instagram 🙂 and follow me here if you want more :* See you soon 🙂



Welcome back 🙂 Last time I talked a little bit about Erasmus and what it is.

Today I want to talk about some essentials that will help you to feel better when you go abroad. I was looking for a similar videos on YouTube or blog posts on Google but I couldn’t find many. I decided to do this post because I wish I knew about many things before I came here, I think it can help people who will be going on their Erasmus in future. I will not be talking about the documents because there is a lot and I’m sure someone at your college or university will tell you a lot about it. This photo shows  my favorite building in this university :O It’s so big and so beautiful :O It looks like a castle.


I think that friends and family are essential when you are going away. When I came here I was talking a lot with my family. I felt so much better after talking with them because they made me feel that even though we are so far away I’m not alone. I talk with them almost everyday. It is very important to keep in touch with your family, especially during the first few days when you feel lonely. It is important to talk with them about your problems, they might help you to solve them.

New friends 

Friends are just as important as family. Bad thing is that you can’t bring your friends to the place where you are going to. It is very important to be open to other people. You will meet a lot of people who are in the same situation as you. You will have a lot to talk about with the people you will meet. They will have very similar problems, their language level might not be as high so you can learn together or they could be from the same country as you. I was very surprised when I met some of the people and I became friend with some of them.

Taste of home

For me it was very important to bring some kind of food or drink that I would normally have at home. Normally I drink a lot of tea. I brought some green tea with me. That made me feel a little bit better. It wasn’t the same because I usually sit with my mum and we drink tea together, but at least I could have my tea and that made me very happy. I think if you bring you favorite snack or drink it will help you during your first few days. Believe me you will miss the food and drink from your country.

Find something to do

At the start it will be hard I know. It’s important to make yourself busy if you want your time to fly faster. When I arrived here I seriously did not know what to do with myself. I wanted to do something so I would forget that I’m here and the day would end up faster. I called my dad and he told me to start a diary. I had no paper but, I decided to make my little diary here. I think this is a great idea. After the whole thing will end I will read all my posts and probably laugh because I will probably think in a different way. It is important to study and try your best but also to have a life and have some fun.

This is all for today. If you have any questions feel free to contact me 🙂 Follow me on my Instagram if you want more. See you soon :*




Welcome back 😉 Today I want to talk little bit about Erasmus. A lot of you probably don’t know what Erasmus is, so I decided to explain what it is. Erasmus is more European thing so if you are from another part of the world it is normal that you don’t know what it is. If you are interested in this I hope I will be helpful.

Erasmus is basically an European project that lets you go abroad for study or internship for  two semesters or only one semester. You can go to any European country that your college or university has connection with. In my case I could go only for one semester and my main destination was Spain because I want to teach Spanish in future.

Erasmus can be very expensive, you have to rent a room, you have to pay for your bills, and you obviously have to eat and have some fun sometimes. There is a solution for that. There is something called Erasmus Grant. Everyone can apply for it but unfortunately the money you will get are very little, you will probably be able to pay for your rent with it. For people who are living in Ireland there is another solution it is called SUSI grant. Not everyone can apply for this grant, but you can always try. If you want to know more about it check their website.

Erasmus is a great opportunity to live in a different country for a while and meet people from different cultures.  It is also a good opportunity for improving the language you are learning. I’m studying European Studies and Spanish. I never had any problems with Spanish and I thought that my Spanish is good, but when I came here I realized how much I can’t understand. After a week of listening to Spanish for almost all day I slowly got used to it and I could understand more. Thank god most of my subjects are actually English friendly.

Erasmus is also a very good opportunity to travel. It’s my first time in Spain. I will travel as much as I will be able to. I’m going to Malaga for Easter, can’t wait for that. You can travel as much as you want in your free time. I have to say that buses in Spain are very cheap, so if you want to travel in Spain ,I think that buses are the cheapest option.

If you have an option to go for Erasmus, I think you should take this opportunity. Now days experience is very important. It looks very good on your CV and it might give you more chance to get the job you really want. Erasmus makes you more independent because you have to find everything by yourself and take care of yourself. You can learn a lot about yourself while you are alone and so far away from the people you love. I learned that I hate traveling on my own, I hate big changes in my life and that I miss my little cat more than I thought. There are good and bad things about Erasmus but honestly I think that Erasmus is great and people should take the advantage of it.

This is all for today. If you have any more questions feel free to ask. Follow me on my Instagram and if you want to stay longer with me follow me here 😉 See you soon :*




Hello everybody 🙂 Sorry for not being here for so long but I went to Poland for three weeks and I just wanted to make the most of my stay. I was preparing myself for what will happen in my life after I leave Poland. I had a very busy stay in Poland, there were a lot of things happening, I was out of my house almost all the time plus I was very stressed. I will explain later on 🙂

When I was in Poland my fiance had 2 bowling competitions, one in Grudziądz and one in Łódź.  I was very stressed during those two events, but thankfully he was Second in Łódź :D. Then he had his prom. I was very happy because I finally got a chance to dance Polonez, which is one of the Polish national dances, and one of the most important once. We also went to see The Nutcracker 😀 . It was one of my biggest dreams to go and see it. It was so beautiful :O. Even Michal liked it :D.

On the 27th of January I arrived to Madrid, Spain. To be honest it was the worst trip I ever had :O. The turbulences were very strong and I also have the fear of height so it was the worst thing ever for me… never again! When I got off the plane I did not knew where I have to go. The airport in Madrid is very confusing. Thank God I found a Spanish man that spoke in Polish and he helped me. Then I got a bus to terminal 4 , and from there I took a bus to Burgos. The city is so beautiful, but It’s very hard to communicate with anyone when your Spanish is very low. It’s very hard for me to understand people because they speak very fast. I’m starting to get used to the language and the accent very slowly but I know it will take time for me to fully adapt.

I already got lost in the city center 😛 I got a wrong bus from the street where I live and I was trying to ask people what should I do now but I could not understand what exactly they were saying. So I just walked from the city center to Calle Murcia where I work with a Spanish family. The children that I’m teaching are lovely and I’m so happy that I have the opportunity to work with them. They showed me where the university is and where  the bus stops are, they also brought me home.

Yesterday I went for another little trip. I went to buy myself things like cup and plates. I love the weather here because It’s sunny everyday and its very warm here, so I go for walks. Usually I go to shops to see what is there. When I went to do shopping for the first time I didn’t know what to buy because everything was weird for me. Today I went to the university for the first time. I got there without any problems ( Google maps helped me :P) but I got lost when I was coming back home. I asked someone where should I go and I don’t know how but I understood what he was saying 😀 Thank God he helped me because otherwise I would be probably walking around the university with my phone in my hand and trying to look for the way back.

I think this is the longest post I have done :O. I hope you liked my little diary and life update. I might be doing it more often now, it actually helps me to feel better. To be honest I feel lonely here and I don’t feel comfortable when I don’t understand what people are saying to me.

I hope you liked my today’s post. If you want more follow me on my Instagram. I’m more active there and I hope you will stay longer with me 🙂 I will upload some pictures now 😀 From Poland and the onces I took here in Spain. See you soon :*
