Prague Trip


Hello 😉 As I said before I have traveled a lot this year. I already wrote about my trip to London and now I would like to share my Prague experience. Prague, Czech Republic was my biggest dream and when my boyfriend told me that he is taking me to Prague I was more than just happy. I love this country so much, and the people are very nice. Two years ago went to Olomouc  in Czech Republic, and I liked it a lot. 

We went to all the famous tourist places, and I liked it a lot. The view from the St.Carlos bridge is so beautiful especially in the evening. The food was delicious ☺. We tried some of the famous traditional snacks and dishes. We also tried some of the traditional beers from Czech Republic, and they were very nice. My favourite Czech drink is  Kofola.  Its very similar to traditional coke but not as sweet and it has less bubbles. 

I can say that Czech Republic is a very cheap country for people coming from Ireland or England for example because of the exchange rate. Its perfect for cheap holidays and I am sure I will come back one day. And now sit back and enjoy some of the photos that I took while I was there 😃👌


Hey 🙂 This summer I found a lot of really good products, most of them became my summer favorites. Some of the products I bought in Poland when I was on my holidays, but I am sure that you might be able to find some of them abroad, or you can get them while you will be on your holidays in Poland 🙂 Most of them are makeup products, even though most of the times I did not wear any makeup because it was too warm, and I felt very uncomfortable, I can still call them my favorites. I usually look for cheap and good products but, I also like to try products that are a little bit more expensive.

The first thing that I tried this summer was colourful hair, I was never really into rainbow hair but one day I decided to do my hair pink or purple. I saw a new product called Colorista from L’oreal. I wasn’t sure about it but I watched a lot of reviews on it and I decided to try it. I picked a purple dye, I did my hair and I really liked it. Then I decided to try another colour, and I liked it  as much as the other one. I also wanted to try a little bit cheaper brand which was the Bleach London, I got a colour called The Big Pink which is a dark pink colour. It worked the same as Colorista but stayed a little bit longer in my hair. The way I used these dyes was simple: I washed my hair then I mixed the dye with conditioner for more pale effect, or  I used it straight from the packaging for more vibrant colour. I left it on for around 30 mins and rinsed it out with warm water. Colourful hair was a big thing this summer, and I think It’s a good option if you are going on a festival or you just want to see yourself in a little bit different look.


Coming to makeup I have to say that my favorite foundation is True Match from L’oreal. I really like how this foundation looks on skin, it does not create a mask effect and it blends very well with skin. It does not feel like having anything on skin because it’s very light but it covers imperfections very well. With this foundation I was using two products from a brand called Lovely. Both rice powder and bronzer worked very well with this foundation. My makeup stayed in place and I did not had to reapply it. That green mascara is a product that I found ages ago through YouTube. It is the best mascara so far that I used and worked for me very well. This summer I was going to a swimming pool very often, and sometimes I forgot to get rid of my makeup but nothing happened to my eyes. My mascara was on its place and, I did not look like panda 🐼.


This summer I also fell in love with Real Techniques brushes. I always wanted to try them but some how I couldn’t. I got them when they were on a sale in Boots, and they became my favorite makeup brushes I ever used. These brushes are very soft and very easy to clean. The big brush is perfect for powder and the smaller one for foundation. The eye shadow brushes are also very good, and they make blending eye shadows much easier. I will definitely buy more brushes from Real Techniques because I think they are worth the money you pay for them, and the quality of these brushes is very good.

Hope you like today’s post and sorry for not posting for so long. See you soon :*