
Hello 🙂 I decided to give you small life update on how are things now. I did a post one week after I arrived. I was very depressed and stressed back then because a lot of the things were very unclear and I had no idea what will I be doing here. I had to change my way of thinking from negative to more positive. It wasn’t easy and it took me a very long time. I still want to go back home because I miss my family a lot.

When I came here my way of thinking was very negative. I was ready to pack all my things and go back. I knew that I can’t do that but I had that idea at the back of my head. I did not understand anyone which was the most annoying thing, they spoke too fast so in many cases I just pretended that I understand them. I was sitting in my room and sometimes I cried and  I was trying to explain to myself that the time will fly fast. I still want to go home, but my Spanish improved a lot. I understand more and I can say more. I’m making mistakes but I don’t really care because it’s part of learning. Now when I want the time to fly faster I listen to music, read or write my blog. I’m only listening to Cleo and Poparzeni Kawa Trzy. They are Polish artists that help me here a lot. It’s the type of music that you listen to  when you feel sad. They are two different types of music but it’s very hard to explain my music taste 😛  I’m not as depressed and stressed as I was at the start but there are days when I just want to lay in the bed and cry. I think everyone has those days.

When it comes to university life here it’s very stressful for Erasmus people, especially if your Spanish is not very good. I have 2 English friendly subjects, one in English and 2 in Spanish. It’s very hard to do my notes sometimes, especially if I only understand some of the teachers. I have to find most of the information by myself. I’m happy that I will be able to do three of my exams in English. It’s much harder for the Erasmus people here than in Ireland. I feel like Erasmus students get more help in Ireland than here. I got used to it now but at first it was hard. I usually do my notes in English so it’s easier.

At the start it was very hard for me to get used to living with people who like a lot of noice. I’m a person who likes to sit in a quiet place with a book or laptop. I live with Spanish students, for them it’s normal to have a loud party in the middle of the week. I had small issues with them but I think that everything will be OK now. I’m the oldest one here, they probably think that I’m old boring granny haha 😀 But I don’t care.

I think I feel more comfortable here now. I still can’t say that this is my house and I still didn’t unpack some of my things. I still need time. I noticed that the time flays very fast so it’s much easier for me now. I just can’t wait for summer because some big changes are coming up 😀 I hope you liked my post 🙂 Don’t forget to follow me if you want more, I also have Instagram where I post more often 😀 See you soon :*



Hello everybody 🙂 Sorry for not being here for so long but I went to Poland for three weeks and I just wanted to make the most of my stay. I was preparing myself for what will happen in my life after I leave Poland. I had a very busy stay in Poland, there were a lot of things happening, I was out of my house almost all the time plus I was very stressed. I will explain later on 🙂

When I was in Poland my fiance had 2 bowling competitions, one in Grudziądz and one in Łódź.  I was very stressed during those two events, but thankfully he was Second in Łódź :D. Then he had his prom. I was very happy because I finally got a chance to dance Polonez, which is one of the Polish national dances, and one of the most important once. We also went to see The Nutcracker 😀 . It was one of my biggest dreams to go and see it. It was so beautiful :O. Even Michal liked it :D.

On the 27th of January I arrived to Madrid, Spain. To be honest it was the worst trip I ever had :O. The turbulences were very strong and I also have the fear of height so it was the worst thing ever for me… never again! When I got off the plane I did not knew where I have to go. The airport in Madrid is very confusing. Thank God I found a Spanish man that spoke in Polish and he helped me. Then I got a bus to terminal 4 , and from there I took a bus to Burgos. The city is so beautiful, but It’s very hard to communicate with anyone when your Spanish is very low. It’s very hard for me to understand people because they speak very fast. I’m starting to get used to the language and the accent very slowly but I know it will take time for me to fully adapt.

I already got lost in the city center 😛 I got a wrong bus from the street where I live and I was trying to ask people what should I do now but I could not understand what exactly they were saying. So I just walked from the city center to Calle Murcia where I work with a Spanish family. The children that I’m teaching are lovely and I’m so happy that I have the opportunity to work with them. They showed me where the university is and where  the bus stops are, they also brought me home.

Yesterday I went for another little trip. I went to buy myself things like cup and plates. I love the weather here because It’s sunny everyday and its very warm here, so I go for walks. Usually I go to shops to see what is there. When I went to do shopping for the first time I didn’t know what to buy because everything was weird for me. Today I went to the university for the first time. I got there without any problems ( Google maps helped me :P) but I got lost when I was coming back home. I asked someone where should I go and I don’t know how but I understood what he was saying 😀 Thank God he helped me because otherwise I would be probably walking around the university with my phone in my hand and trying to look for the way back.

I think this is the longest post I have done :O. I hope you liked my little diary and life update. I might be doing it more often now, it actually helps me to feel better. To be honest I feel lonely here and I don’t feel comfortable when I don’t understand what people are saying to me.

I hope you liked my today’s post. If you want more follow me on my Instagram. I’m more active there and I hope you will stay longer with me 🙂 I will upload some pictures now 😀 From Poland and the onces I took here in Spain. See you soon :*
