
Hello, I’m back πŸ™‚ I’m finally at home, I finally finished my Erasmus, and I’m finally happy :D. I stopped writing on my blog because I did not feel well, I wanted to leave Burgos as soon as it was possible. It just wasn’t for me and my house mates were not helping me with my well-being.

I did my exams, I had to repeat one but my professor was very nice and she helped me a lot. The rest of my exams were very easy so I had no problem with doing them.

The only good thing I see about the Erasmus is that you actually have a chance to learn the language. When I came to Spain I thought that I have good level of Spanish, but I actually didn’t. I left Spain with a B1 certificate, I learned a lot of Spanish and I was able to communicate with people. I probably forgot some thing already, but I know that it will come back to my brain very fast.

Well… ok, there is another good thing about it. You get a chance to meet people from completely different cultures, which I think is super amazing. I became friends with people from Romania, Hungary, America, Italy, France and China. Wow! OK… I have friends from different countries here in Ireland but that was a different situation. Those people were in a similar situation as I was and understood me very well.

I spoke with many students in Spain and many of them said that they think exactly the same about this program as I do. Erasmus is seriously great but only if:

  1. Your language level is very good. Otherwise you will not understand what is going on.
  2. You like to party a lot.
  3. You find good house mates. My experience in that topic is very bad!
  4. You are open to people.
  5. You have a lot of money

So yeah… I think I wrote enough and you will understand what I mean πŸ™‚

I went to Poland for a while and it was the best thing I could do πŸ™‚ I felt like I need to relax. I was very busy at the end of my Erasmus and I was very tired. I had an amazing time in Poland. Now I’m in Ireland with my fiance and my two cats :D. I’m not going on anything like Erasmus again. I’m finally happy where I’m. Only one month is left until my last year of college :O .

Anyways see you soon :*




Hello welcome back on my blog πŸ™‚ I will talk about things that I miss the most 😦 There are things that I miss a lot and there are things that I can live without. Living abroad on your own may be very difficult especially if you like to spend time with your family. Even if you meet a lot of new people you will never be as close with them as withΒ  your family member.

The first thing that I miss is definitely talking and drinking tea/coffee with my mum. We always sit and talk together and drink a hot drink. We are very busy and we don’t have a lot of free time so it is very important for me to spend as much time as I can with my mum. We talk on the phone almost everyday but you know… it’s not the same.

I miss my cats a lot! My cats are very important to me. They are like my little children especially Negra. She helped me many times when I didn’t feel well. She is my little best friend πŸ™‚ I miss her a lot. She always makes my feel better.

I wish I could understand everyone. It’s very hard to understand most people here. Many people have different accents. It’s very hard especially when people speak fast.

I miss Polish TV haha πŸ˜› Yes, I miss Polish television πŸ˜€ I don’t really watch TV but I still miss it. Sometimes there are very interesting programsΒ  and I like to watch them. Here I don’t even have Spanish TV haha.

I miss my comfortable bed and my bedroom. The bed that I have here is very uncomfortable. My back is very sore. It was very hard to get used to it and I did not sleep well for the first few days. I still have problems with falling asleep. I miss my cozy bedroom. I always light up candles and the whole room smells very nice. The room that I have is very big. I think it’s too big for me and I don’t like it because it’s very dark.

I miss having a normal view from my window. Sometimes when I wake up I would love to look out the window and see something different than a wall and someone else’s windows. It is very annoying because I never know what kind of weather is outside.

I also miss some kinds of food. I don’t really like Spanish food. It has no taste for me or maybe I tried in the wrong place.

That’s all for today hope you liked my post πŸ™‚ Go check out my Instagram πŸ™‚ and follow me here if you want more :* See you soon πŸ™‚