
Hello ๐Ÿ™‚ Welcome back ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry for not being here for so long but I had a lot of issues with my subjects. I hope this was the last issueย  and that I will not have anymore issues because I already had a lot. After a month of doing a subject called International Relations I got an email saying that this subject is not English friendly anymore ( as in I can’t do my exam in English). I got very stressed but everything is ok now and I hope I will finally be able to enjoy my Erasmus at least a little bit ๐Ÿ™‚

Today I decided to talk a little bit about my favorite liquid lipsticks. I tried so many liquid lipsticks but it was so hard for me to find the perfects ones. Most of the liquid lipsticks that I tried did not stay long on my lips or made me feel very uncomfortable. The ones I `will talk about today are my favorite and I can’t stop using them :O

The first lipstick I want to talk about is this lipstick fromย Huda Beauty.ย I very like this lipstick because it looks very nice on the lips, the pigmentation is very high and it stays in one place for a very long time. I got it as a Christmas present and it came with lip pencil and glitter lipgloss. You can see me wearing this lipstick on many of my pictures on my Instagram. I’m thinking about getting more colours ๐Ÿ˜€

I already talked about this lipstick but I seriously love it so much. I’m also thinking about getting more colours. I love how it feels on the lips and how creamy and light it is when you apply it. Some of the liquid lipsticks are very sticky when you apply them, this one feels very creamy and almost powdery. It’s very hard to explain but I think that you should definitely try it.

These ones are my favorite of all liquid lipsticks I have. I probably talked about them already but why not say it again ๐Ÿ˜› This is a Polish brand calledย Golden Roseย it slowly starting to be available in many other countries. These are around 25 zl which is around 5-6 euro. These lipsticks are very light and they stay on for a very long time. Sometimes I forget that I have a lipstick on my lips and few times I fell asleep with it. I seriously did not find a better lipstick. I have only 2 colours with me, because I left most of my make up in Poland. I will definitely get more when I go to Poland.

DSC_0292ย  ย Here you have all the colour swatches. The first two colours are lipsticks from Golden Rose, then Huda Beauty and the last one is from Bourjois.

Hope you like my today’s post. Don’t forget to follow me here to see all the future posts, and also check out my Instagram where I post more often ๐Ÿ˜‰ See you soon :*



Hello ๐Ÿ™‚ Today I decided to come back to my Spanish topic. I want to talk about things that I like about Spain or the area where I live. If Spain is your future destination some of these things may be useful. I have been here for almost one month and I think that I can already say what I like about this country. Sit back and relax ๐Ÿ˜‰

  1. The first thing that I seriously love about the place where I live is the price of the bus. You can get a bus card that costs around 2 euro and you put money on it. Every time you enter the bus you have to tap it and it takes 40 cents from your card. It’s very cheap compering to Ireland because I have to pay around 10 euro everyday when I’m going to college.
  2. Another thing that I really like is that most of the drivers are very nice and when someone is crossing the street the car will stop. I’m not very used to it. In Poland and in Ireland it’s a very rare situation. Especially in Poland.
  3. A lot of the things here are much cheaper than in Ireland. For example shops likeย Bershkaย orย Zaraย are much cheaper here than in Ireland. That surprised me because I thought that the prices are the same in all the country.ย  Food is also very cheap, you can buy lunch for less than 5 euro. I’m not sure how is it in pubs but I think that alcohol is not expensive here.
  4. People are very helpful here. I noticed that even if you don’t understand them they will try to do everything they can so you will understand. I noticed that from the first day that arrived here.
  5. I really like how open to others Spanish people are. They like hugging and kissing a lot. They like to be close with the other person they are talking to. Sometimes it might be a little bit annoying when the person your are talking to is very close but it’s normal here. Everyone does it on the streets.

I hope that you like my today’s post ๐Ÿ™‚ If you liked it feel free to stay longer with me and don’t forget to checkout my Instagram :* See you soon ๐Ÿ˜‰


Hello ๐Ÿ™‚ Today I want to talk about something a little bit different. I haven’t talked about my favorite products for ages :O I decided to leave the topic I was writing about until now and do something different. Some of the products are from Poland ๐Ÿ˜› As usual ๐Ÿ˜€ But I’m sure you will be able to find it in a Polish shop or you can buy them when you will go to Poland for holidays ๐Ÿ˜€ I hope you will enjoy this post so sit back and relax :*


The first product I want to talk about is this nail powder from Essence. I saw it for the first time here in Spain it was very cheap, the powder costs something around 2 euros and the sealing top coat a little bit over 3 euros. This makes a beautiful effect on your nail. Normally people get this effect using shellac and powder similar to this one. This option is much cheaper and you can do it at home. There is a lot of beautiful colours to pick. How to use it ? It’s very easy! Just paint your nails with any colour you want and wait for the nail polish to dry, then apply some of the nail powder on to your nails and rub it in. When you get the result you wanted apply the sealing top coat ๐Ÿ˜€


I got this exfoliating gel here in Spain too. I’m only using this every second day in the morning. It smells beautiful and it does its job. Normally I have very sensitive skin on my face and a lot of the face washes make my skin very red. This makes my skin very soft, it feels very clean and it doesn’t make my skin red at all. It was very cheap. I got it in a shop near the place where I live called Alimerka. It will be definitely my favorite face wash here in Spain.


Russian shampoo? Yes! I know I already talked about Russian shampoo, but I don’t know if I will ever stop. As you all may know by now I’m a person who takes care of my hair a lot. I love cheap and good hair products. These shampoos are amazing :O They are very cheap and it’s very easy to find them in Poland, and probably in Russia too ๐Ÿ˜€ I love how they smell and how well they clean my hair. I only wish they were bigger, because even though I wash my hair only twice a week I finish them very fast. In Ireland we have a lot of Russian shops, if you go in and ask about it I’m sure they will help you ๐Ÿ˜‰


These two lipsticks from Bourjois :O I got these lipsticks for my fiance’s prom. I could not decide which will be better so I got two ๐Ÿ˜› They may be a little bit expensive for some people but I think that they are worth their price. The one on the right is a liquid lipstick. It’s very soft and you can’t even feel it on your lips. It stays for a very long time and I think that this is the perfect nude shade. The one on the left is just a normal lipstick. It has beautiful colour and when you apply it, it’s very soft but it stays in one place. Both of these lipsticks smell beautiful, they are very easy to apply and the colours are absolutely gorgeous.


Another very good product from Bourjois.ย I really like this foundation because it’s very light and it looks very natural on the skin. It also smells very nice and if you do your make up properly it stays on for a very long time. I don’t use it everyday now because I usually don’t have time for doing make up in the morning, but I got it for my fiance’s prom and I was very happy with it. The only bad thing about it, is that it’s a little bit expensive.


I think everyone knows this face mask very well and I don’t need to explain what it is. I just wanted to say that this is just wow :O It does its job. It cleans the skin very well and it’s not as painful as most of the people are saying, but in my caseย  I tried similar face masks before, and even the DIY version ๐Ÿ˜€ My skin is probably used to the pain. This thing is great. If you are thinking about getting it, I think you should. ๐Ÿ˜€


My favorite mascara ever. I have three mascaras but I’m only using this one. It makes my eyelashes very thick and long. It doesn’t take long for it to dry, and even if you cry when you have it on your face will not be all black. It’s the cheapest mascara I have, because the other ones are more expensive but not as good. I really like the applicator. I will definitely get another one.


The last product I want to talk about is this hair mask/ hair oil. It is a hair product that is supposed to make your hair grow faster. If you follow me on me Instagram you probably know that after the prom I cut my hair very short. I like having short hair but for me it was definitely too short. I decided to stop taking biotin and look for some good hair product. This product was on a sale so I bought it. I’m using this product once a week for over a month now. My hair is a little bit longer now. I was stressed about coming here and at the start of my Erasmus journey I had problems with hair loss. Now my problem is gone. I fell in love with this product. It has so many good ingredients in it and it smells very nice. I got it in Poland in a shop called Hebe.ย 

That’s all for today ๐Ÿ˜€ I hope you liked it. Follow me here if you want to stay longer with me, also don’t forget to follow me on my Instagram where I’m more active ๐Ÿ™‚ See you soon :*



Hello everyone ๐Ÿ™‚ Today I decided to do a little Christmas tag on my blog. I found the questions on the Internet and I liked them so I thought that it would be nice if I did something like that on my blog. I hope you will like it ๐Ÿ˜€

1.Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

Yes, in Poland and in many other European countries people open their presents on the Christmas Eve. In my family we usually eat our food first and then everyone takes their presents from under the tree.

2.What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?

We have a lot of traditions in Poland. I live in Ireland but we still spend Christmas in the Polish way. I think that my favorite Polish Christmas tradition is shearing the ,,oplatek” and saying wishes to each other. I think that it’s a beautiful tradition because you get a chance to wish someone something good. Usually typical wishes look like ,, I wish you a lot of health, money and everything that you wish for” ๐Ÿ˜›

3.Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

My Christmas tree is real ๐Ÿ™‚ And it looks like this.DSC_0321

4.What is your favorite Christmas film?

I don’t really have a favorite Christmas film. I loveย ,,Frozen”. I don’t know if you can consider this film as a Christmas film, but I have seen it like 20 times and I love it ๐Ÿ˜€ I also love Polish Christmas film called ,,Letters To Santa”ย or ,,ย Listy do M”. If you can find this film with translation you should watch it ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s funny and sad at the same time.

5.Where do you usually spend your holiday?

I usually spend Christmas at home with my family. Last year I went to Poland for Christmas ,and I have to say that, it was the best Christmas I ever had. I finally got a chance to spend Christmas with people that I couldn’t spend it with, for the last eight years

6.What is your favorite Christmas song?

I don’t really have a favorite Christmas song, but I loveย Tchaikovsky and his work ๐Ÿ˜€ย  I listen to his work a lot now, I’m so excited to see the ,,Nutcracker” ๐Ÿ˜€

7.What is your all-time favorite holiday food/sweet treat?

I looooooooove pierogi :O I think everyone loves them in Poland ๐Ÿ˜€ I also love cheese cake. My mum makes the best one ๐Ÿ˜€

8.Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?

Like an every person or at least most of the people I like receiving gifts, but I also like buying presents for other people.

9.What is your favorite thing about Christmas?

Hmmm… I think that my favorite thing about Christmas is that the whole family or at least most of the family members are in one place and can finally relax and spend time together.

10.When do you start getting excited for Christmas?

Usually at the start of December when I start thinking about the presents for everyone.

11.What is the best Christmas gift youโ€™ve ever received?

When I was a little girl I think I was 6 or 7, I got a Barbie doll that I really, really, really wanted. I was jumping and screaming I think that I even cried when I saw the doll. I even remember which doll was it, it was Odetta from ,,Barbie Ofย  Swan Lake”.ย 

12.What is the worst present youโ€™ve ever received?

I don’t think that I ever got a bad present. I’m always happy with everything that I get.

13.As a kid, did a sibling ever receive a present that you wished was for you?

No, my sister is six years younger than me, so there wasn’t any chance that we were wishing for the same present.

14.What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?

I would love to spend Christmas in Austria or in a city called Zakopane in Poland. I just can imagine what I would do in the snow around me ๐Ÿ™‚ ha ha

15.Most memorable Holiday moment?

When all my family gathered up in my grandmother’s house. This sits in my head because when I was a child we used to spend Christmas in her house and she makes the best mushroom soup ๐Ÿ˜€

16.Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?

Yes, I usually make a few but I never stick to them. I might try again ๐Ÿ˜›

17.What makes the holidays special for you?

When I can have my family in one place, just like last year.

18.Whatโ€™s the best part about Christmas for you?

Like I said before spending time with the loved ones.

19.You have been granted one Christmas wishโ€ฆwhat will it be?

I don’t really know but I just want everyone in family to happy and healthy.


I hope you like my post ๐Ÿ™‚ Don’t forget to like this and if you want more follow me ๐Ÿ™‚ You can also follow me on my Instagram where I post more often. See you soon :*



Welcome back ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry for not being here for so long but I was veeeery busy and college made so tired, I had no energy for anything. I decided to do a Blogmas ๐Ÿ˜€ Most of the Youtubers are doing Vlogmas so why not do a Blogmas ๐Ÿ™‚ I will try to post everyday until January but I don’t know how will that work with college :/

Nothing much happend since my last post here, except that I got accepted to University in Burgos, Spain ๐Ÿ˜€ I will be going there for my six months of Erasmus. I’m very happy but worried at the same time. I will be studying in English and in Spanish. I hope I will be fine because my I know that my Spanish is not greatย  and I really have to improve.

My plan for today is to clean my room because I want to decorate it for Christmas ๐Ÿ˜€ I also need to study for Spanish because I have a test next week :/ . I always have to rewrite my notes and then read it to myself. It takes me a long time but this is the best way for me to actually learn something. I’m happy because Spanish is a subject that goes into my head fast so I will not need to sit for few days and try to learn it. I also have to a diary entry for a different subject, and essay and a presentation about my dissertation for 4th year of college. So yeah, who ever says that college is fun don’t listen to them… haha.

I think I should start looking for presents, I hate looking for presents because I never know what to buy. I always leave it until the last day haha, but in Poland you also get presents on the 6th of December so I don’t have a lot of time left.

Sorry for such a boring post but I just wanted to say Hello again and do a little introduction to what I want to do this month. I will make more interesting posts don’t worry ๐Ÿ™‚ I will plan my topics today. I thinkย  sometimes I will do something like a little diary entry and sometimes an actual post about something. I hope that you will like it ๐Ÿ˜‰ . That’s all for today don’t forget to check out my Instagram where I try to post everyday. See you tomorrow :*




Hello ๐Ÿ™‚ sorry for a veeery late post but I was really tired and busy, and all I wanted to do was sleeping. I decided to talk a little bit about DIY hair masks because I personally prefer to make my hair mask at home so I know what is in it. I noticed that my hair is very damaged after summer and I know few magical mixtures that will make my hair healthier.

Hair mask 1-ย  Any oil on it’s own will work as a hair mask, I would recommend coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil or avocado oil. You can also mixed all these oils together, and leave it for as long as you want. I usually sleep with the oils in my hair, it makes your hair very soft after you wash it.

Hair mask 2-ย Mix egg yolk with any oil you want, I usually mix olive oil and coconut oil. Add lemon juice and mix it all together. This hair mask can make your hair very sticky so you have to be careful while applying it on your hair. If your hair is thick I would recommend using more than one egg yolk because one will not be be enough. You can leave for as long as you want. I always leave it for the whole night.

Hair mask 3- Warm up sesame oil and castor oil. Do it carefully because oils get very hot and you can burn yourself. Add one vitamin E capsule and a little bit of honey. This hair mask will make your hair grow faster if you will do it more often. Leave it in your hair for as long as you want.

Hair mask 4-ย This is the most extreme hair mask that I do sometimes. You need around half a cup of any beer. Pour it to a cup or bowl leave it for the whole day. Add a egg yolk, any oils you want ( I usually add castor oil, sesame oil and coconut oil). Add lemon juice and honey. It will make your hair very soft and shiny. I usually leave it in my hair for the whole night.

Hair mask 5-ย This is not really a hair mask but this is for people that want to have lighter hair. It works best during summer when there is a lot of sun, but it will work now if you will do it regularly. Mix lemon juice with some honey and some water. You can sleep in this. If you sit with this mixture on your hair outside when there is a lot of sun your hair will go lighter very fast. Lemon makes your hair feels fresher and makes your hair smells nice.

That’s all for today ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you will try some of the hair masks. If you liked it please like it and don’t forget to follow me on my Instagram ๐Ÿ™‚ See you soon :*