
Hello 🙂 Welcome back 🙂 Sorry for not being here for so long but I had a lot of issues with my subjects. I hope this was the last issue  and that I will not have anymore issues because I already had a lot. After a month of doing a subject called International Relations I got an email saying that this subject is not English friendly anymore ( as in I can’t do my exam in English). I got very stressed but everything is ok now and I hope I will finally be able to enjoy my Erasmus at least a little bit 🙂

Today I decided to talk a little bit about my favorite liquid lipsticks. I tried so many liquid lipsticks but it was so hard for me to find the perfects ones. Most of the liquid lipsticks that I tried did not stay long on my lips or made me feel very uncomfortable. The ones I `will talk about today are my favorite and I can’t stop using them :O

The first lipstick I want to talk about is this lipstick from Huda Beauty. I very like this lipstick because it looks very nice on the lips, the pigmentation is very high and it stays in one place for a very long time. I got it as a Christmas present and it came with lip pencil and glitter lipgloss. You can see me wearing this lipstick on many of my pictures on my Instagram. I’m thinking about getting more colours 😀

I already talked about this lipstick but I seriously love it so much. I’m also thinking about getting more colours. I love how it feels on the lips and how creamy and light it is when you apply it. Some of the liquid lipsticks are very sticky when you apply them, this one feels very creamy and almost powdery. It’s very hard to explain but I think that you should definitely try it.

These ones are my favorite of all liquid lipsticks I have. I probably talked about them already but why not say it again 😛 This is a Polish brand called Golden Rose it slowly starting to be available in many other countries. These are around 25 zl which is around 5-6 euro. These lipsticks are very light and they stay on for a very long time. Sometimes I forget that I have a lipstick on my lips and few times I fell asleep with it. I seriously did not find a better lipstick. I have only 2 colours with me, because I left most of my make up in Poland. I will definitely get more when I go to Poland.

DSC_0292   Here you have all the colour swatches. The first two colours are lipsticks from Golden Rose, then Huda Beauty and the last one is from Bourjois.

Hope you like my today’s post. Don’t forget to follow me here to see all the future posts, and also check out my Instagram where I post more often 😉 See you soon :*