
Hello 🙂 Today I decided to come back to my Spanish topic. I want to talk about things that I like about Spain or the area where I live. If Spain is your future destination some of these things may be useful. I have been here for almost one month and I think that I can already say what I like about this country. Sit back and relax 😉

  1. The first thing that I seriously love about the place where I live is the price of the bus. You can get a bus card that costs around 2 euro and you put money on it. Every time you enter the bus you have to tap it and it takes 40 cents from your card. It’s very cheap compering to Ireland because I have to pay around 10 euro everyday when I’m going to college.
  2. Another thing that I really like is that most of the drivers are very nice and when someone is crossing the street the car will stop. I’m not very used to it. In Poland and in Ireland it’s a very rare situation. Especially in Poland.
  3. A lot of the things here are much cheaper than in Ireland. For example shops like Bershka or Zara are much cheaper here than in Ireland. That surprised me because I thought that the prices are the same in all the country.  Food is also very cheap, you can buy lunch for less than 5 euro. I’m not sure how is it in pubs but I think that alcohol is not expensive here.
  4. People are very helpful here. I noticed that even if you don’t understand them they will try to do everything they can so you will understand. I noticed that from the first day that arrived here.
  5. I really like how open to others Spanish people are. They like hugging and kissing a lot. They like to be close with the other person they are talking to. Sometimes it might be a little bit annoying when the person your are talking to is very close but it’s normal here. Everyone does it on the streets.

I hope that you like my today’s post 🙂 If you liked it feel free to stay longer with me and don’t forget to checkout my Instagram :* See you soon 😉

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