98279776_729975387775720_6286380856189648896_nIt’s been such a long time πŸ˜„. My life has changed a lot since my last post. I graduated in November 2019 so I’m not longer a student… for now. I have plans to go back to college or at least do some additional courses. My last year of college was very difficult and stressful. Writing a dissertation and studying for my final exams was an actual nightmare.

I knew I don’t want to have an office job just yet. I wanted to gain some experience in something different. I decided to find a job in a shop. That’s what I’m doing at the moment and I think it was a very good decision.

I’m almost 23 when I’m writing this. I was supposed to get married on the 22nd of August 2020. We obviously had to move it to a different date because of what is happening in the world. It was a very sad decision but that’s the way it is.

The situation in Ireland isn’t too bad. People are doing what they are supposed to do. As a retail worker I took part in the worst panic buying stage and believe me it was a nightmare. It’s not as bad now but I feel like people are buying more to avoid leaving their house. We had such a beautiful weather over the last few weeks and it was very hard not to leave the house. I’m so grateful to have a garden because it seriously helped me a lot. I could just sit outside and forget about everything.

It’s very hard to live in Covid 19 times but I try to think positive and I’m 100% sure it will be over soon. It has to be. I really miss going to all kind of places and the fact I will not be able to go to Poland this year is just killing me. Stay safe πŸ’•. See you soon xxx


Welcome back πŸ™‚ Sorry for not being here for so long but I was veeeery busy and college made so tired, I had no energy for anything. I decided to do a Blogmas πŸ˜€ Most of the Youtubers are doing Vlogmas so why not do a Blogmas πŸ™‚ I will try to post everyday until January but I don’t know how will that work with college :/

Nothing much happend since my last post here, except that I got accepted to University in Burgos, Spain πŸ˜€ I will be going there for my six months of Erasmus. I’m very happy but worried at the same time. I will be studying in English and in Spanish. I hope I will be fine because my I know that my Spanish is not greatΒ  and I really have to improve.

My plan for today is to clean my room because I want to decorate it for Christmas πŸ˜€ I also need to study for Spanish because I have a test next week :/ . I always have to rewrite my notes and then read it to myself. It takes me a long time but this is the best way for me to actually learn something. I’m happy because Spanish is a subject that goes into my head fast so I will not need to sit for few days and try to learn it. I also have to a diary entry for a different subject, and essay and a presentation about my dissertation for 4th year of college. So yeah, who ever says that college is fun don’t listen to them… haha.

I think I should start looking for presents, I hate looking for presents because I never know what to buy. I always leave it until the last day haha, but in Poland you also get presents on the 6th of December so I don’t have a lot of time left.

Sorry for such a boring post but I just wanted to say Hello again and do a little introduction to what I want to do this month. I will make more interesting posts don’t worry πŸ™‚ I will plan my topics today. I thinkΒ  sometimes I will do something like a little diary entry and sometimes an actual post about something. I hope that you will like it πŸ˜‰ . That’s all for today don’t forget to check out my Instagram where I try to post everyday. See you tomorrow :*