
Welcome back on my blog ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s been a week since I came to Spain and I want to talk about my first impression of this country and the city that I live in. Firstly I just wanted to say that I had a little surprise waiting for me outside of my apartment which was… snow. Haha yes! Snow! I could not believe in what I saw because I wasn’t prepared for snow in Spain, and I also left all my winter clothes in Poland because I thought that it will be too warm for these. I hope that it will get warmer because I’m a person that hates winter and loves summer.

I have been living here for one week, but there are things that started to annoy me. I really don’t understand the point of having a three hours break during the day, to be honest I would prefer to finish work three hours earlier instead of having the break. I guess for them it’s normal but for people that come here it can be annoying. When they are having the break all shops are closed but, all shops are opened until late.

I really like the way all buses cost the same amount of money here. It doesn’t matter where you are going you will still pay 1.20 or with the bus card 0.40c . This is very cheap compering to the amount of money I have to pay in Ireland. The only annoying thing about the buses is that you have to stand on the street or otherwise the bus will not stop on the bus stop, and also when you want to get off the bus you have to stand up and press the STOP button because like with the other situation bus will not stop to let you out.

I tried some of the Spanish food. I like some of the things. I will make a post about my favorite Spanish food later on when I try more. So far I tried Churros ( Spanish donut), Chorizo ( Spanish sausage), jamรณn (ham), Tortilla Espanola, and one type of cheese but I don’t know what it was. I think Spanish food is nice but I’m not a big fan of meat.

When it comes to Spanish people, I think they are very nice and very helpful. I got lost and these two Spanish ladies did everything they could to help me, sadly I couldn’t understand them fully so I just went my own way ๐Ÿ˜€ #googlemaps ๐Ÿ˜› I’m a person that likes to have my own personal space, I also like to sit in quiet places. Usually I like to spend time sitting in a room on my own with a good book. Here people are veeery loud. They love parties. My house mates go to sleep very late and they put loud music until very late. Sometimes it annoys me, but at the same time I tell myself that I’m in their country and if it’s like that here I just have to adapt. I’m not a person that likes to party every week, maybe like every other month or not even. So farย I noticed that they are people who like a lot of noise.

When it comes to the university I can’t say much. I have been there three times and my classes are starting tomorrow on the 5th of February. I’m a little bit worried because this university is so big comparing to my little IT Tallaght in Ireland. I’m also worried about the language. One tip for you guys if you are good at language st school or university don’t think that you will understand everything when you go to the country where that language is spoken. I’m studying Spanish since I was 13 years old and I’m 20 now. So yeah seven years of learning the language and I never failed any Spanish test. I will be forced to translate everything and to study more than I usually did. Wish me luck guys. This semester is very important for me so I hope I will really improve my level of Spanish. I can already feel the difference, I can understand more and I started to memorize new words.

That’s all for today guys ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you like my today’s little post. If you want more follow me on my Instagram ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m more active there. Please free to also follow me here ๐Ÿ˜€ See you very soon ๐Ÿ˜€ Bye bye :*




Hello everybody ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry for not being here for so long but I went to Poland for three weeks and I just wanted to make the most of my stay. I was preparing myself for what will happen in my life after I leave Poland. I had a very busy stay in Poland, there were a lot of things happening, I was out of my house almost all the time plus I was very stressed. I will explain later on ๐Ÿ™‚

When I was in Poland my fiance had 2 bowling competitions, one inย Grudziฤ…dz and one inย ลรณdลบ.ย  I was very stressed during those two events, but thankfully he was Second inย ลรณdลบ :D. Then he had his prom. I was very happy because I finally got a chance to dance Polonez, which is one of the Polish national dances, and one of the most important once. We also went to see The Nutcracker ๐Ÿ˜€ . It was one of my biggest dreams to go and see it. It was so beautiful :O. Even Michal liked it :D.

On the 27th of January I arrived to Madrid, Spain. To be honest it was the worst trip I ever had :O. The turbulences were very strong and I also have the fear of height so it was the worst thing ever for me… never again! When I got off the plane I did not knew where I have to go. The airport in Madrid is very confusing. Thank God I found a Spanish man that spoke in Polish and he helped me. Then I got a bus to terminal 4 , and from there I took a bus to Burgos. The city is so beautiful, but It’s very hard to communicate with anyone when your Spanish is very low. It’s very hard for me to understand people because they speak very fast. I’m starting to get used to the language and the accent very slowly but I know it will take time for me to fully adapt.

I already got lost in the city center ๐Ÿ˜› I got a wrong bus from the street where I live and I was trying to ask people what should I do now but I could not understand what exactly they were saying. So I just walked from the city center to Calle Murcia where I work with a Spanish family. The children that I’m teaching are lovely and I’m so happy that I have the opportunity to work with them. They showed me where the university is and whereย  the bus stops are, they also brought me home.

Yesterday I went for another little trip. I went to buy myself things like cup and plates. I love the weather here because It’s sunny everyday and its very warm here, so I go for walks. Usually I go to shops to see what is there. When I went to do shopping for the first time I didn’t know what to buy because everything was weird for me. Today I went to the university for the first time. I got there without any problems ( Google maps helped me :P) but I got lost when I was coming back home. I asked someone where should I go and I don’t know how but I understood what he was saying ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank God he helped me because otherwise I would be probably walking around the university with my phone in my hand and trying to look for the way back.

I think this is the longest post I have done :O. I hope you liked my little diary and life update. I might be doing it more often now, it actually helps me to feel better. To be honest I feel lonely here and I don’t feel comfortable when I don’t understand what people are saying to me.

I hope you liked my today’s post. If you want more follow me on my Instagram. I’m more active there and I hope you will stay longer with me ๐Ÿ™‚ I will upload some pictures now ๐Ÿ˜€ From Poland and the onces I took here in Spain. See you soon :*




Hello everyone ๐Ÿ™‚ Today I decided to do a little Christmas tag on my blog. I found the questions on the Internet and I liked them so I thought that it would be nice if I did something like that on my blog. I hope you will like it ๐Ÿ˜€

1.Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

Yes, in Poland and in many other European countries people open their presents on the Christmas Eve. In my family we usually eat our food first and then everyone takes their presents from under the tree.

2.What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?

We have a lot of traditions in Poland. I live in Ireland but we still spend Christmas in the Polish way. I think that my favorite Polish Christmas tradition is shearing the ,,oplatek” and saying wishes to each other. I think that it’s a beautiful tradition because you get a chance to wish someone something good. Usually typical wishes look like ,, I wish you a lot of health, money and everything that you wish for” ๐Ÿ˜›

3.Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

My Christmas tree is real ๐Ÿ™‚ And it looks like this.DSC_0321

4.What is your favorite Christmas film?

I don’t really have a favorite Christmas film. I loveย ,,Frozen”. I don’t know if you can consider this film as a Christmas film, but I have seen it like 20 times and I love it ๐Ÿ˜€ I also love Polish Christmas film called ,,Letters To Santa”ย or ,,ย Listy do M”. If you can find this film with translation you should watch it ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s funny and sad at the same time.

5.Where do you usually spend your holiday?

I usually spend Christmas at home with my family. Last year I went to Poland for Christmas ,and I have to say that, it was the best Christmas I ever had. I finally got a chance to spend Christmas with people that I couldn’t spend it with, for the last eight years

6.What is your favorite Christmas song?

I don’t really have a favorite Christmas song, but I loveย Tchaikovsky and his work ๐Ÿ˜€ย  I listen to his work a lot now, I’m so excited to see the ,,Nutcracker” ๐Ÿ˜€

7.What is your all-time favorite holiday food/sweet treat?

I looooooooove pierogi :O I think everyone loves them in Poland ๐Ÿ˜€ I also love cheese cake. My mum makes the best one ๐Ÿ˜€

8.Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?

Like an every person or at least most of the people I like receiving gifts, but I also like buying presents for other people.

9.What is your favorite thing about Christmas?

Hmmm… I think that my favorite thing about Christmas is that the whole family or at least most of the family members are in one place and can finally relax and spend time together.

10.When do you start getting excited for Christmas?

Usually at the start of December when I start thinking about the presents for everyone.

11.What is the best Christmas gift youโ€™ve ever received?

When I was a little girl I think I was 6 or 7, I got a Barbie doll that I really, really, really wanted. I was jumping and screaming I think that I even cried when I saw the doll. I even remember which doll was it, it was Odetta from ,,Barbie Ofย  Swan Lake”.ย 

12.What is the worst present youโ€™ve ever received?

I don’t think that I ever got a bad present. I’m always happy with everything that I get.

13.As a kid, did a sibling ever receive a present that you wished was for you?

No, my sister is six years younger than me, so there wasn’t any chance that we were wishing for the same present.

14.What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?

I would love to spend Christmas in Austria or in a city called Zakopane in Poland. I just can imagine what I would do in the snow around me ๐Ÿ™‚ ha ha

15.Most memorable Holiday moment?

When all my family gathered up in my grandmother’s house. This sits in my head because when I was a child we used to spend Christmas in her house and she makes the best mushroom soup ๐Ÿ˜€

16.Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?

Yes, I usually make a few but I never stick to them. I might try again ๐Ÿ˜›

17.What makes the holidays special for you?

When I can have my family in one place, just like last year.

18.Whatโ€™s the best part about Christmas for you?

Like I said before spending time with the loved ones.

19.You have been granted one Christmas wishโ€ฆwhat will it be?

I don’t really know but I just want everyone in family to happy and healthy.


I hope you like my post ๐Ÿ™‚ Don’t forget to like this and if you want more follow me ๐Ÿ™‚ You can also follow me on my Instagram where I post more often. See you soon :*




Hello everybody ๐Ÿ˜€ Today I will do a small life update ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you like my Christmas tree ๐Ÿ™‚ I just finished second semester in my college, I’m so happy because I can finally relax and prepare myself for studying in Spain… yes… I said studying in Spain. I’m very scared because I will be doing three subjects only through Spanish and two with some help in English. I’m just hoping to pass all my modules while I will be there. I know it will be hard but I’m sure I can do it, and I already have some experience in learning through a different language. So far I passed all my modules very well and I’m happy with everything except Spanish. I will be doing my own study at home before I go. I have only one essay due but my plan is to do it this weekend and just focus more on the language. I still need to find an accommodation and get my insurance but I think I will get it sorted next week.

I really can’t wait until January ๐Ÿ˜€ Can’t wait for my beautiful Poland, and my beautiful Polish winter ๐Ÿ™‚ My fiance and I got a lot of plans so I’m so excited to finally do all these things. We will travel to other city for a weekend because he has his bowling tournament and I’m going to watch him playing ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m so excited because I love watching him playing bowling but I don’t really like to play it. We will probably go to another place but we haven’t decided yet. My childhood dream will finally come through and we will go and see the ballet, we will watch ,,The Nutcracker”. When I was a child I used to love Barbie so for me it’s kind of like going back in time. We will also go to his prom in Poland it’s called Studniowka. It’s very formal and I guess very important in the life of many young people. I had my prom in 2015 and I’m very happy that I went and that I have these memories. I already have everything for that day.

When it comes to Christmas I will be spending them here in Ireland. Last year I went to Poland for Christmas. It was such a weird feeling because it was the first time in 8 years when I could finally spend time with my whole family during that time of the year. I have to say that, last year I had the best Christmas in my life. I was very happy that I finally had that opportunity to spend it the way I always wanted. To be honest I don’t really feel the Christmas spirit this year, but I will have to survive. I hope that next year I will be finally able to go out of the country and spend Christmas somewhere else and just relax and chill. I will be talking about Christmas in Poland very soon so stay tuned ๐Ÿ™‚

Hope you liked my post today:) I’m hoping to add more from now since I have more time. Don’t forget to like this post and follow me if you want to see more. You can also follow me on my Instagram where I post more often ๐Ÿ™‚ See you soon :*


25105592_1545880662157732_1628887373_nWelcome back ๐Ÿ™‚ Unfortunately I was very busy and I couldn’t do posts everyday. This is my last week of an actual study this semester so I’m hoping to do my little blogmas more often ๐Ÿ˜€

Today I wanted to talk about the 6th of December in Poland. In Poland Christmas is celebrated on the 24th of December, 25th and 26th is for the rest of the family. I will be talking about 24th later on in my blogmas.

6th of December is when the Santa Claus is coming, it’s the first time when usually children but in a lot of cases adults too get presents. The presents are usually something small. In many schools and preschools there would be something organised for the children or students.

A lot of people don’t put up their Christmas tree until like one week before the 24th, so the presents can be usually found under the pillow, under the bed, or on the way out of the room beside the door. It usually depends onย  which part of Poland you are from and on your parent’s imagination. If you are a child and you go to your grandparent’s house they will say something like ,, oh I saw a Santa Claus and he left something for you”, that happened to me very often when I was a child. I usually got something like sweets or a small toy. I very like this tradition especially now when I’m 20, I can feel like a child again and it’s very interesting how adults get involved.

Hope you liked my post ๐Ÿ™‚ Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and like this post. See you soon :*



Welcome back ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry for not being here for so long but I was veeeery busy and college made so tired, I had no energy for anything. I decided to do a Blogmas ๐Ÿ˜€ Most of the Youtubers are doing Vlogmas so why not do a Blogmas ๐Ÿ™‚ I will try to post everyday until January but I don’t know how will that work with college :/

Nothing much happend since my last post here, except that I got accepted to University in Burgos, Spain ๐Ÿ˜€ I will be going there for my six months of Erasmus. I’m very happy but worried at the same time. I will be studying in English and in Spanish. I hope I will be fine because my I know that my Spanish is not greatย  and I really have to improve.

My plan for today is to clean my room because I want to decorate it for Christmas ๐Ÿ˜€ I also need to study for Spanish because I have a test next week :/ . I always have to rewrite my notes and then read it to myself. It takes me a long time but this is the best way for me to actually learn something. I’m happy because Spanish is a subject that goes into my head fast so I will not need to sit for few days and try to learn it. I also have to a diary entry for a different subject, and essay and a presentation about my dissertation for 4th year of college. So yeah, who ever says that college is fun don’t listen to them… haha.

I think I should start looking for presents, I hate looking for presents because I never know what to buy. I always leave it until the last day haha, but in Poland you also get presents on the 6th of December so I don’t have a lot of time left.

Sorry for such a boring post but I just wanted to say Hello again and do a little introduction to what I want to do this month. I will make more interesting posts don’t worry ๐Ÿ™‚ I will plan my topics today. I thinkย  sometimes I will do something like a little diary entry and sometimes an actual post about something. I hope that you will like it ๐Ÿ˜‰ . That’s all for today don’t forget to check out my Instagram where I try to post everyday. See you tomorrow :*