
Welcome back on my blog 🙂 Since the school season already started, I decided to do something like a ,,Must have list”.

This year I will be starting my last year of college. I’m kind of worried because this is the most important year and I really want to do my best. I have a list of things that help me with studying or to survive some classes. If you are interested keep reading 🙂

  1. The most important thing for me is a journal. I got used to them when I was in secondary school and they really help ,not only when you are in school or college but also in every day life. I write everything in my journal. It helps me with planning and organisation especially during very busy times in my life.
  2. Another thing will be to find a hobby or something that will help you to relax or to stop thinking about school/college work. In my opinion this is very important. When I have an exam I try to relax on my way to college. I usually like to read a book or listen to music. This helps me a lot and makes me less stressed even when I know that I’m not fully prepared for the exam because I had other things to do.
  3. Another must have may be weird haha, but it helps me to be motivated to study and to actually go to classes 😛 In my case new and good stationary is seriously very important. I even have certain types of paper I like and I really don’t like when my copy is different than the one I usually buy haha. So yeah in my case good stationary is a must have :D.
  4. I also have this one small problem. I can’t concentrate when it’s loud. I need to have a quiet place where I can do my work. If you are like me, I think it is important to have 2-3 places where you will sit and do your things. In my case I love doing my work in a library. Library is definitely my best friend 😛 .
  5. My last must have is a good friend who is still in school/college. A lot of my friends are already working and many of them never went to college. It is important to have a friend who is in the same situation as you and will understand your problems. Many people think that college is fun, but the reality is different.  

I hope you like my post. Please stay with me longer and check out my Instagram 😉

See you soon :* :*



Autumn Essentials


Hello 🙂 So we all went back to schools or colleges, and autumn season started, the weather outside is not too bad here in Ireland but there are days when you just want to stay at home with a good book, and a warm tea 😀 Unfortunately that’s impossible because college is very important for me ,and I can’t miss a lot of classes. Today I will talk about my essential when there is a bad weather outside ,and I’m staying at home. Hope you will enjoy 🙂

1.Clean Room: When there is a very bad weather outside ,and I have nothing to do or I’m just bored, I like to clean my room and make it more cozy. I like to have my bed tidy ,and I usually have a lot of pillows and blankets.

2.Candles: When I think of autumn I think of candles, a lot of candles. I usually buy a lot of them  In Primark or Ikea because they smell very nice ,and they are very cheap. I also like Yankee Candle especially those little wax tarts, they last for a long time ,and they smell very nice.

3. Something To Read: There is nothing better for me than jump into warm bed with warm tea ,and a good book or a magazine. I also like to read things on the internet for example I like reading about new products that came out.

4. Something Good To Drink: I have to say that my favorite warm drink is a green tea. I drink a lot of it, sometimes about 4-5 cups a day. During colder season I also like to drink tea with lemon and a little bit of raspberry syrup, It’s very good especially when you feel sick.

5. Something To Watch: I’m not a very big fan of watching films or any kind of TV shows, but I like watching videos on YouTube. There is a lot of interesting channels that I like.

6. Music: Music is very important for me during any season. I have very different music taste, and many people don’t understand it. I love old music, the older the better for me :D, but sometime I like to listen to music that is popular today. I’m open to different types of music.

That’s all for today hope you like it 🙂 Don’t forget to checkout my Instagram and other posts. See you next time :* ❤